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Jun 1, 2019

An industry to commoditize or should we pay closer attention? Guest Wendy Lund is one of about three people in North America with a Masters of Science in Mindfulness studies and about one of 100 globally who hold this degree. Wendy has helped pioneer programs for those who engage trauma in their work to help reduce their risk of psychological injury in the line of duty and recently, with her company Wellth Management, she has created programs for the corporate sector - also a place where people experience trauma. 

"Mindfulness is a simple yet powerful construct that asks, if you can you pay attention on purpose in a particular way, thoughtfully, without being somewhere else and without judging." 


Wellth Management - Wendy Lund, RN, BScN, MSc and CEO brings mindfulness to the corporate sector.

Jon Kabat-Zinn - Doctor, teacher, thought leader (literally!) and author of many books including Full Catastrophe Living. 

Vicktor Frankl - Neurologist, psychiatrist, "Father" of logotherapy - a form of existential analysis - and author of Man's Search for Meaning, the best-selling book and account of his life as an inmate in a concentration camp. It is in this seemingly unbearable arena that he explains how to find meaning in even the most difficult situations in one's life. 

"Can you learn to be grateful for the difficult moments in your life?...In hindsight often we can see that great moments of difficulty and tragedy in our lives are actually the template for post-traumatic growth."